Return Policy

If any of our products do not meet your expectations, we would like to know about it and will gladly accept your return. The procedure would be the following:

The return must be made within a period of no more than 30 calendar days after the shipping date of your purchase; keeping in mind that prior to shipping, the product must be manufactured. It must be returned to the address provided within your purchase box and can be done either via EMS Correos de Costa Rica or by personal delivery of the package.

We must be notified within a period of no more than 30 calendar days after the date of shipment of your purchase, to the email with the invoice number , the reason for the return and the tracking number in case the return is carried out through EMS Correos de Costa Rica.

It is a requirement that the product has the respective labels and does not present any type of damage or evidence of having been used.

Please note that we do not offer money refunds, only product exchanges. If you wish to exchange the product for another with a higher price, you must pay the difference, or a Credit Note will be issued for the difference if the price of the product is lower, which can be made effective on your next purchase.

The cost of shipping the package back to our offices will be borne by the customer.

WARRANTY : all our products have a guarantee of 30 calendar days after the shipping date of your purchase for damage or factory defects.